Epithelial cells classification with graph neural networks
At the cell-level, the distinction between normal and malignant epithelial cells is challenging due to the high morphologic heterogeneity of malignant cells. These cells vary a lot in shape, size and sometimes resemble normal epithelial cells. For that reason, common computer vision methods struggle to correctly differentiate epithelial cells into normal or malignant. In this project, we propose a new method based on the aggregation of local and global tissue features to take advantage of the surrounding gland morphology to accurately learn to distinguish these two epithelial classes.
Epithelial graphs were built to capture the epithelial tissue structure. Nodes were individual epithelial cells connected to their closest neighbours using Delaunay triangulation. Hidden embeddings extracted from a trained ResNet were used as node features. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) were trained for node(cell) classification (normal vs malignant epithelial cell). A final post-processing step (graph clustering and median filtering) is applied to smooth predictions inside individual glands. The different classification steps can be visualized in the Figure below.
Graph-based classification significantly improved the classification F1 score compared to computer vision models, achieving 97.8% F1 score on TCGA test set (versus 91.7% using ResNet). This new method shows that the structural context that is captured by graphs is an important feature for the cell classification. The proposed model can be applied on top of any other method detecting epithelial cells and results in an accurate estimation of the epithelial cell composition for downstream analyses.
Ana Leni Frei
Inti Zlobec
Andreas Fischer
Funding source
Ana Leni Frei, Amjad Khan, Philipp Zens, Alessandro Lugli, Inti Zlobec, Andreas Fischer, GammaFocus: An image augmentation method to focus model attention for classification, Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2023
Ana Leni Frei, Amjad Khan, Linda Studer, Philipp Zens, Alessandro Lugli, Andreas Fischer, Inti Zlobec, Local and global feature aggregation for accurate epithelial cell classification using graph attention mechanisms in histopathology image, Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL), 2023