
Friday September 01, 2023

Trailblazers in AI in Medicine

A series of lectures by expert Women in Digital Pathology (September-December 2023) and in Spatial Omics (January-March 2024) will be held online. To access their live talks and experiences, please click on the LIVE link under each speaker’s information.

Thursday June 15, 2023

ModPath Chat: Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastases in Colorectal Cancers

Screening lymph nodes for metastases in colorectal cancer (CRC) can be a cumbersome task, but it is amenable to artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted diagnostic solutions. Prof. Inti Zlobec and Dr. Amjad Khan from the Institute of Pathology in Bern, Switzerland discuss their newly proposed deep learning-based tool for the evaluation of CRC lymph node metastases in digitized whole-slide images. Their approach showed excellent performance, with high sensitivity (0.99) and specificity (0.96) in two validation cohorts of CRC cases (3836 slides) when comparing slide-level labels with the ground truth (pathologist reports). The overlays of AI-based prediction within lymph node regions matched 100% when compared with a microscope evaluation by expert pathologists! DOI

Tuesday March 07 2023

Fantastic female leaders in digital pathology: A vlog with Aleksandra 🔬 Żuraw

In an enthralling vlog session featuring by Aleksandra 🔬 Żuraw, Professor Inti Zlobec tells her fascinating story and career path in the realm of digital pathology.  For an immersive experience, make sure to catch the full episode by clicking here.

Sunday September 04 2022

2022: A Digital Pathology Odyssey

During the opening of ECP2022 Basel, Professor Inti Zlobec, the Head of Digital Pathology at the University of Bern, Co-Founder, and President of the Swiss Consortium for Digital Pathology (SDiPath), and Chair of the European Society of Pathology AI Working Group, delivered her inaugural keynote titled "2022: A Digital Pathology Odyssey," captivating the audience in the Plenary Hall. For full lecture click here.

Monday May 02 2022

ModPath Chat: Image-based assessment of extracellular mucin in colorectal cancer

Dr. Inti Zlobec, professor of digital pathology at the Institute of Pathology in the University of Bern, discusses her team’s recent publication in Modern Pathology on the role of image analysis in assessing area of extracellular mucin and predicting consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) in colorectal carcinoma. The utilized deep learning algorithm had an excellent agreement with pathologists’ estimates of mucin areas. Coupled with MSI, mucinous area estimates may predict CMS classification using only histopathology. This highlights the great potential of Image based classifier of molecular subtypes of colon cancer. Study by Nguyen, HG., Lundström, O., Blank, A. et al. Image-based assessment of extracellular mucin-to-tumor area predicts consensus molecular subtypes (CMS) in colorectal cancer. Mod Pathol 35, 240–248 (2022)