Spatial-omic and single-cell 3D image analysis


Hannah is currently using spatial transcriptomic methods to characterize intra-tumoural transcriptional subtype heterogeneity in colorectal cancer and examining associations of tumour subtype with tumour microenvironment composition (Fig.1). In addition to this, Hannah is also working on a 3D reconstruction of tumour specimens profiled using a variety of hyper-plexed visualization methods (multiplex immunofluorescence, spatial transcriptomics) and development of analysis pipelines for single cell 3D image analysis (Fig.2). Hannah is a member of the SPatial Omics Consortium (SPOC), Bern.

Figure 1. Region of interest selection on colorectal cancer tissue microarray core for whole transcriptome atlas spatial transcriptomics. Blue: Nuclei, Green: Epithelium, Red: Area of interest (AOI) “Tumour”, Yellow: AOI “Tumour microenvironment”

Figure 2. 3D reconstruction of 15 haematoxylin and eosin stained sections of pT1 colon adenocarcinoma.


Hannah Williams